

Don't you think it's time?

Become the Alpha you are meant to be!

We help men who have hit a few bumps in the road of life take their balls back
and return to the Legendary Alpha they know they truly are

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Reclaim Your Alpha Status

Register below to receive a copy of my FREE Toolbox for Men

  • Sick of being disrespected?
  • Do you want to stop being a people pleaser?
  • Tired of feeling like shit mentally & physically?
  • ​Do you need a total mental shift to go from beta to Alpha?
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Coach Dan

I'm coach Dan.
I coach men to take their balls back and become the Legendary Alpha they were always meant to be. After years of not feeling like my best self, I went on a journey of self-discovery. My journey started with improving my health and getting licensed as a health coach to help other men do the same. I used the confidence I developed while getting healthy and decided to leave my toxic job and work for myself.

This daisy chained to setting boundaries with folks who didn't treat me well and ending some relationships completely. In the end my health is better than ever, I'm in control of my income, and my relationships with my wife and kids have never been better.

​While I was a health coach, I realized most men needed a lot more than coaching on health and fitness, they needed a coach to help with a complete mindset shift. Looking at men's role in today's society I realized we're all fighting a battle that most men were never equipped for. This is why I shifted from health coaching men to helping them become bulletproof by teaching them the necessary techniques to take their balls back.

The problem in today's society isn't too much masculinity, it's the exact opposite.

Problems men are facing

You need to take your balls back!


Does This Sound Like You?

  • Do you feel like... you're always drained?
  • Does it seem... people treat you disrespectfully?
  • Are you frustrated that... you have no excitement in life, just going thru the motions?
  • And when it comes down to it, are you...desperate to end the cycle of quiet desperation?

In today's society masculinity is absolutely vilified. If you act masculine there's a faction of people that see you as a threat, or as the problem in society. In the US, households with both parents raising the children is less than 25%. 81% of single parent homes are led by the mother and 75% of public-school teachers are female.

There are millions of US boys who have no masculine influence in their life at all. The problem isn't too much masculinity, it's the exact opposite. We need to accept our roles in society as the masculine figure and embrace it. It's not enough to be masculine, we need to become the alpha's we were designed to be to train the next generation of men.

​A select few will see the need to become legendary. The world needs us.